Planned, Smart, Predictive Maintenance

Radiant Maintenance

Manage maintenance activities, reduce operating costs and unplanned downtime. Get a comprehensive overview on the status of every vessel across your fleet, assign equipment, upload documentation, track mileage and running hours. Detect and prevent problems and ensure your vessels and equipment are up-to date with their maintenance and service. Schedule jobs to be done and monitor their work progress until completion. Radiant Maintenance is your modern solution in efficient fleet management.
Vessel Maintenance

Radiant Maintenance Features

Vessel client

Enjoy seamless functionality of all processes on the vessel, both on and offline. Synchronize data exchange in regular time intervals.


Create jobs through SFI codes and review all your JTBDs on a detailed planner. Stay in full control of their execution.

Asset Management

Add assets from ‘Catalogue Items’ or create new assets. Track and schedule their maintenance needs, based on  mileage and running hours.

Job Templates

Create job templates necessary for planning future jobs on board. Define task details, estimated duration, recurrence and priority.

Handling Equipment Lifecycle

Track all shipboard equipment and manage their defined maintenance plan. Store data by model, maker and extend equipment’s longevity.


Access general and specific asset documentation: service manuals and inspections reports. Discover performance results taken during various intervals.

Task Planner

Visualize jobs and tasks via a detailed task planner. Manage jobs by adjusting their current ‘statuses’ and prioritizing the most important ones.

Analytics and Charts

Review asset and maintenance counter records via detailed charts and reports.


Manage user groups and assign access and action rights to employees responsible for various jobs and tasks.


Easily find and overview the status of your fleet’s upkeep. Identify and monitor daily tasks.


Manage operations more efficiently and productively at all intervals of the vessel maintenance process/cycle.

Contact us now to digitalise your maintenance activities!